Sunday, November 13, 2011

The 411 on Biotin for Healthy Hair by Tanya Walters

We at deNaturalistas LOVE to get a guest blog post from one of our favorite deNaturalistas and reknown sister loctitianm, Tanya Walters, of BeautiLocs by Tanya.   Enjoy her insight on the benefits of taking Biotin as a supplement.  Take it away Tanya! :

Oftentimes, clients come to me with hair growth issues. The reasons are many … sometimes they are growing out relaxers, sometimes medication has taken their hair out, sometimes they have (or someone else has) unintentionally damaged their hair, and sometimes it is the result of poor nutrition.
As we all know, the food we eat provides us with vitamins which keep us healthy. Therefore, the diet you follow plays a very important role in keeping your hair in good condition. If you do not receive all the vitamins you need with your daily food intake, you may begin experiencing hair problems. Sometimes, those who eat a good balance of vitamins have other health issues that can hamper the distribution of vitamins in your body, which may result in your body not being able to absorb nutrients properly.  So review your food regimen with a health care professional before actually using any specific supplement to promote hair growth. There are many vitamin supplements available on the market that you can use to get the proper amount of vitamins every day. Taking vitamins in larger quantities than needed may also have negative effects on your health.
Biotin, a member of the B-vitamin family, is a naturally occurring substance found in the body. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles, bones, tissues hair and other cells. So this helps to keep your hair thick, healthy and of course, maintain its’ growth. The relationship between biotin and hair loss is being studied as a way of regenerating thinning, weak or brittle hair in men and in women.
 You must get enough biotin in your daily intake to prevent hair loss and to increase the growth of new hair. If you are experiencing thinning hair, make sure your nutritional intake includes liver, sardines, salmon, egg yolks, and beer yeast. Plant sources of biotin are cauliflower, bananas, carrots, beans and mushrooms.  Foods rich in biotin and/or biotin supplements may be just what you need to restore your hair.
Disclaimer: It is advisable to consult a physician before starting a vitamin supplement program.
Tanya Walters RN is a certified Sisterlocks Consultant located in the Bear, Delaware area.  Visit her online at, or by phone at (302) 981-6580.